Thursday, July 29, 2010


Ive been super busy the last few weeks trying to plan another trip. Yes I'm very blessed to be able to travel so much, but then this is my hobby. I don't collect old cars or buy expensive clothes, i just love organising and going on holidays, saving hard of course :).

Hubby and I are heading to the mother land...Holland for a real dutch wedding, well only for a few days, then rest is Europe.
So much to see but so little time. The plan so far  are Helsinki, Stockholm, south of France - Pyrenees (this is due to watching far to much of the tour de France), Holland, Berlin and London. Sounds like a lot but Europe is kinda small and flights are cheap.

My little head is hurting, looking up way too many website, trying to understand French, German and booking the right flight on the right date.

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